Converting Parallel Assets to Native Flux

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Certain exchanges offer Flux as Parallel Assets, which refers to Flux held on a different chain, such as Binance Smart Chain (Flux-BSC) or Ethereum (Flux-ETH). However, in order to create a node, your Flux must be held on the main chain, commonly referred to as Native Flux.

If you wish to withdraw Parallel Assets from an exchange, you must send them to the relevant Parallel Asset in Zelcore. To obtain your receiving address, you must first add the Parallel Asset as a new asset by hovering over the "+ Add Assets" button and selecting "Add Asset." Then, choose the appropriate Parallel Asset.

To view the newly-added asset in your wallet, click on "Show Zero Sum." Then, click on the asset and select "Receive" to obtain your address. You must withdraw to this address from your exchange.

In order to convert a Parallel Asset, you must hold a small amount of the native coin in Zelcore to cover the gas fee. For instance, if you are converting Flux-BSC to native Flux, you will require a small amount of BNB (BEP20) to cover the gas fee.

To swap your Parallel Asset for native Flux, go to the Apps section and click on Fusion. Select the wallet where your Parallel Assets are located at the top-center of the screen. In the "Sell" menu, choose your Parallel Asset, and in the "Buy" menu, select FLUX.

The mandatory fees are located at the bottom left of this page, and two fees are included in your swap.

When you have finished, click "Swap!" and your transaction will be processed. This procedure can take roughly 30 minutes, but during peak periods, it can take up to 24 hours. If your transaction is not completed within 24 hours, please create a ticket on the Zelcore Helpdesk to receive assistance.

Please keep in mind that if your Parallel Asset was held in a wallet other than the "Payments" wallet, you will need to manually add the Flux asset to view your newly swapped coins. To accomplish this, hover over the "+ Add Assets" button and select "Add Asset."

Last updated