4 - Install Watchdog

Guided Flux Node watchdog install script

Option 4 is useful when you did not setup the watchdog during the initial Flux Node installation OR you need to edit your watchdog configuration file.

The script will ask if you would like to enable auto updates for Flux OS, Flux Daemon and Flux Benchmark components. This is not mandatory and if you would like to install the updates yourself, on your schedule, then you can select NO and disable the watchdog from updating.

The versions do have an enforcement date from time of release so it is best to keep up with them. Check Discord announcement channels for news on new releases and updates.

It is extremely useful to setup discord notifications so the watchdog can notify you of any errors or updates to your node. The script will guide you through a few questions and ask for specific information so it can send the notifications to the proper place.

Below are some items that you should have ready before running Option 4.

  • Discord UserID for Watchdog Pings

    • User Settings -> My Account -> Click ... beside Username -> Copy ID

  • Discord Webhook for Watchdog Notifications

    • Create a channel in your personal server that you would like to use for notifications

    • Edit Channel (gear icon) -> Integrations -> Webhooks -> New Webhook -> Copy Webhook URL

Last updated